Bionature has been working with Spearhead Potatoes, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of crisping and chipping potatoes to help them improve the quality and reliability of their crops. They supply potatoes to major producers and so quality is a priority.
This year, they’ve been trialling our range of smart liquid fertilisers and the results from the harvest show clear improvements.

Commercial harvest yield assessments showed that Bionature treated crops had a 40.8% fewer defects than the untreated crops as well as lower glucose levels and fewer defects (sugars) throughout storage.
Not only that, the harvested potatoes had improved yields and the treated areas produced higher quality potatoes with improved skin finish. The potatoes Senescent sweetening occurred later in the treated area, making the potatoes more suitable for crisping and chipping and reducing the risk of acrylamide production.
Potatoes need a balanced crop nutrition strategy to get the best quality and improved yields. The plants need nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphur, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc – a deficiency of any of these can have an impact on the crop. Our programme of smart liquid fertilisers is designed to give your plants all the nutrients they need, leading to improved plant growth, reduced calcium disorders, reduced internal browning, improved uniformity, increased tuber weight, productivity, improved resilience to stress, improved root development, reduced nitrogen loss and less ground water residue.
We recommend regular applications of NHCa Delta and 1-4-All Click here for our potato crop recommendation for dosage and application guidance.
In the Spearhead yield assessment, the team also observed improved lower glucose and defects (sugars) throughout storage, later senescent sweetening and improved factory quality. All of these would give the crops a commercial yield advantage.
We’re really pleased with the results of our work with Spearhead and we’re looking forward to helping more growers achieve similar results. We’re passionate about good crop nutrition so if you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, please contact us.