Water soluble ‘Lightning fast’ nutrition
TipTop is a specially formulated, water soluble, sprayable foliar feed with the full compliment of macro and micro-elements. The product is a 20:20:20 high concentration suspension fertiliser with extra elements and micro-elements for foliar applications.
TipTop can be used on a range of indoor and outdoor crops with a requirement for a full compliment of nutrients without the need for base dressings. TipTop contains ‘Lightning’ technology with nutrients being rapidly taken up by the plant to address nutrient deficiencies quickly and effectively with minimal loss. TipTop provides a wide range of nutrients including phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, cobalt, copper, iron, menganese, molybdenum and zinc.
TipTop is available in pack sizes of five or 10 litres.
To enquire, please complete the form below.

TipTop has been specially formulated to ensure it is fully stable in the bottle and is fully water soluble, ensuring consistent rates of application and dosing.
TipTop has been specially formulated to ensure it is fully stable in the bottle and is fully water soluble, ensuring consistent rates of application and dosing.
The TipTop formulation has been designed to give an optimal spray pattern to ensure thorough coverage of the plant, giving a more even spread of nutrients.
The full compliment of macro and micro-elements enables TipTop to be used as a foliar feed without the need for base dressings.
‘Lightning’ technology means nutrients are rapidly taken up by the plant to address nutrient deficiencies quickly and effectively with minimal losses.