Mr Pearson applied NHCa Delta and left a spray boom untreated, the pictures was taken whilst the picture is not the clearest the field inspection did identify a...
NHK Delta and 1-4-ALL as your Autumn application of Nitrogen
Worlaby farms have been growing OSR for two years following a prgram of Delta nitrogen and 1-4-ALL (trace element and nutrient uptake enhancer). The harvest year 2012 at...
Delta Programme on 2012 Potato Crop
At Tumby near Horncastle in Lincolnshire we had two neighbouring crops of potatoes. To the treated crop a full Delta program was applied at a rate of 2...
Delta Treated Red potato’s
Back in June (2012) it was clear to Will Forrington that something special was needed to keep his potato crops from getting kicked to death by blight or...