There were 13 rows of untreated Vivaldi potatoes grown in this field. The land is grade 2 light sandy loam.
We are waiting for the final yield of the harvested crop but the early estimate is that the field has produced between 29.5 to 31+ tonnes/ac (73 -77tonnes/ha) and most of the field, except the 13 rows of untreated have received NHCaDelta and 1-4-ALL. The exceptional yield and quality can be attributed to the use of Delta and 1-4-ALL.
The typical quality premium for the Delta and 1-4-ALL treated crop is c. £40/tonne. This equates to a premium of £2,800/hectare. In addition to the loss of this premium in the untreated crop there will be additional handling charges associated with the grading and packing of those untreated potatoes.

Picture 1 taken 2nd September 2013 – 3 meter yield dig showing better finish in the treated sample better sizing and higher yield. The untreated crop is showing signs of skin defects. NHCaDelta and 1-4-ALL Treated on left. Untreated on right.

Pic.2 – NHCaDelta and 1-4-ALL treated 65mm taken from 3m yield dig sample, 2nd Sept 2013.

Pic.3 Un-treated (standard agronomy) 65mm plus taken from 3m yield dig sample, 2nd Sept 2013.

Pic 4. Harvested Crop – 20th September 2013